Submit Your Abstract

Submit your abstract for the Annual IES Annual Conference.

The closing date for submitting abstracts is midnight 15th September 2023. Any abstracts received after this date will not be accepted. Abstracts not complying to the instructions below will also not be accepted. Please review these in advance of compilation and submission of your abstract. Please note exceeding the word count is the commonest cause for exclusion of an abstract for shortlisting.


(as guided by the requirements for publication by the Irish Journal of Medical Science)

  1. Abstracts must be submitted in WORD FORMAT (.doc or .docx) in font Times Roman 10 point using a single spacing. Please do not submit as PDF as these will be rejected. Please only use plain text with no use of bold, underlined, italics or colours. Please name your abstract as SURNAMEKEYWORD2021 or similar to allow identification. Abstracts not complying to the Instructions to Authors will be excluded. 
  2. The text of an abstract (excluding title, authors, institution address) must not exceed 250 words. FIGURES are not allowed. The final completed abstract must fit on a single A4 sheet. The title should reflect the content of the abstract. The title for any case reports or case series should start with Case Report or Case Series as appropriate to allow judging and presentation in the correct section. Please note the word count is a maximum and this includes word allowances and counts for table, legend, reference and every other aspect of the abstract. A single table is allowed a maximum 5 rows x 5 columns but will be taken to represent 100 words of the abstract. The words in the table legend will be added as extra and counted separately to the 100 words counted for the table. The body of the abstract should cite the table. Please note exceeding the word count is the commonest cause for exclusion of an abstract for shortlisting.
  3. The author’s forename (given name), initial (optional), and surname, without degree, etc., must appear below the title. Please use your given name e.g. use Matthew S Murphy not an initial e.g. MS Murphy. This is a requirement for publication and failure to follow this will lead to the abstract being excluded by the publishers. ORCID identifiers can be included.
  4. Affliations namely the institute / hospital name (not abbreviated) and location (city, country) should be listed next. Please do not list separate departments within same institution / hospital. Identify the institution name of authors where more than one institution is involved using numbered superscript after each author’s name. Please do not include departments, street names, post codes, or emails. Omit duplicate affiliations where possible.
  5. The text of the abstract must include data with a clear description of results and conclusions. Headings within the text are not allowed. Capital letters are not to be used to describe special terms, procedures, etc., and may only be used where appropriate (at the start of sentences, where proper nouns are involved, with abbreviations). All abbreviations must be clearly defined. Statistical methods must be clearly indicted. The body of the abstract should be a single paragraph without use of headings. Please avoid bulleted or numbered lists. Always check for readability and sense.
  6. Please always use internationally accepted signs and symbols for units (SI units). The use of generic names or non-proprietary are preferred where possible. If the use of trade names are deemed necessary, the generic name should be given at first mention where possible. For devices, always cite the manufacturer. Always include the clinical trial registry number when available.
  7. A single reference may be used, only when deemed essential for understanding the abstract.  The preferred form for this reference is doi (Direct Object Identification) eg Slifka MK, Whitton JL (2000) Clinical implications of dysregulated cytokine production. J Mol Med. doi:10.1007/s001090000086. Where this is not possible, the reference should in the ULM / Vancouver style. Please note, the reference is included in the 250 word count.
  8. The section for case reports also allows for smaller case series of up to three patients has been included. Please ensure there are no identifying initials or other identifying information are otherwise used. Please use the drop box to indicate a case report for these submissions as these are considered using different criteria. There is also an invited section of presented case reports. Please indicate using the drop box which section your abstract is best considered under; research or case report. Please also indicate if presenting author is  a non-consultant hospital doctor, an undergraduate student, or a basic grade scientist. This is to determine eligibility for the O’Donovan medal and the Montgomery medal.
  9. You should submit the abstract electronically on the Irish Endocrine Website. Please ensure that abstract is adherent to the instructions for authors prior to submission. Deadline for submission for the 2023 Annual General Meeting will be midnight 15th September 2023. Receipt of all abstracts will be acknowledged electronically by the website. Please allow one working day to receive a receipt. If no electronic receipt is received after one working day, please contact the Irish Endocrine Society email. Abstracts are submitted on the understanding that they will be subject to editorial approval. Abtracts are submitted that all the contributors have agreed for the abstract to be included in abstract book. Disclosures and Conflict of Interests should be identified. Minor editing and formatting may be required to meet the requirements of the publisher. Submission does not guarantee publication.
  10. Notification of acceptance of the abstracts is by circulation of the abstract book by electronic means to members of the Irish Endocrine Society. If the first instance, please check this. If necessary, contact the Irish Endocrine Society link
  11. The submitting author is responsible for ensuring all the contributors are capable of providing disclosure statements to the person submitting the abstract. This is a requirement from the publishers for inclusion in the Abstract Book submitted for publication. Where applicable, the contributors should include a brief ethics statements on approval from institutional review boards (or equivalent), consent for publication, data availability, trial registry number and disclosures of funding and / or conflicts on interest. Where wished, it is possible to include trial registry numbers in the abstract. .If an abstract is subsequently published between submission and final compilation of the abstract book, an option to provide a doi reference will be offered.
  12. Failure to present an abstract / poster / oral presentation will lead to it being deleted from the final version of the abstract book submitted for publication. Failure to present may lead to all authors being precluded from making submissions for two years
  13. The senior author will be responsible for all aspects of its content including assuring that all authors are in agreement with the submission and the required approvals are in place. If not, the abstract will be considered withdrawn. By submitting the abstract, the senior author acknowledges the required ethical and regulatory approvals are in place and they have been adhered to. If required, these may be sought. The senior author will also be held responsible if an accepted abstract is not presented.


  • If your abstract is awarded an ORAL PRESENTATION then the 1st author will be asked to deliver an oral presentation at the Annual AGM of the IES. The oral presentation is a 10 minute oral presentation outlining the reason and aims of the research/audit, presenting the results and conclusion of the outcomes. The presenter will then be asked questions from the audience for 5 minutes.The time of the ORAL PRESENTATION will be in the IES AGM abstract book. Any enquires as regards oral presentations can be made. The O’Donovan Medal is awarded to the best oral presentation by non-consultant hospital doctor, basic grade scientist or undergraduate student. In the unlikely event the meeting is virtual only, oral presentations will be video to submitted in advance of the meeting with online questions in real time after the presentation. The required format for online oral presentations in this case is .mp4
  • If your abstract is awarded a POSTER PRESENTATION, poster boards will be at the meeting and are A0 portrait format. Please bring your own velcro with you to stick your poster onto the poster board. The Montgomery Medal is award to the best poster presented by a non-consultant hospital doctor, basic grade scientist or undergraduate student.
  • If your abstract is awarded an ELECTRONIC POSTER, the preferred format is PDF in a landscape orientation to facilitate viewing on a computer screen. Details will be confirmed in advance of the meeting. If accepted for a physical poster, portrait orientation is acceptable to reduce the burden on presenting teams.

The senior author will be held responsible if an accepted paper is not presented. Failure to present may lead to all authors being barred from making submissions to the IES annual meeting for two years.

Secretary/Treasurer – James Gibney

Please review Instructions above.

By submitting the abstract, the authors are acknowledging the required ethical and regulatory approvals are in place. All the contributors should provide disclosure statements to the person submitting the abstract. This is a requirement for inclusion in the Abstract Book submitted for publication. Where applicable, the contributors should include a brief ethics statements on approval from institutional review boards (or equivalent), consent for publication, data availability, trial registry number and disclosures of funding and / or conflicts on interest. For information, please check

Acceptance of the abstract will be circulation of the abstract book to members of the Irish Endocrine Society. Please check this when available.

Submissions Currently Closed